Friday, November 28, 2008

Update: Delta Promo

It turns out that everyone who registered for the big Delta promo will get their bonus SkyMiles, according to the message now displayed at the promo page:

The More Miles You Earn, the Bigger the Bonus

The SkyMiles® multi-partner threshold promotion was in the development phase and not yet formally announced or launched when it was inadvertently published online. The landing page should not have been live and the content was subsequently removed.

However, Delta Air Lines will honor the bonus miles promotion for SkyMiles members who have already enrolled.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Court Ruling: Obese Given Extra Seat In Canada

A Canadian court has ruled that Canadian airlines must provide obese passengers with an extra seat for free. This has created a lot of controversy, and some pretty strong opinions against this here and here.

Here is my opinion:

This is an outrage. Clearly, people who are overweight are at fault for their condition. The litigant, Ms. McKay-Panos (if that is her real name) "said she was born with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, a hormonal disorder that causes obesity in about 50 per cent of those afflicted." That means there is a 50% chance it is her fault!

This kind of thing would never happen in America, where the financial health of the airline industry takes precedence over the mere comfort and safety of obese passengers and the people sitting next to them. An airline ticket should only entitle you to one seat, as people should be treated by airlines no different than cargo.

Furthermore, how many so called "disabled" people were crippled due to accidents that they themselves were at least in part to blame for? Why should these freeloaders receive any special treatment? In the era of Roe vs. Wade, we also need to take a more strict look at people who's parents chose to give birth to, despite their genetic conditions, like obesity.

So booo to the Communist Canadians for unfairly interfering with the free market. Never in America would our government become so blatantly involved in the operation of it's corporations, especially when the health, safety, and comfort of it's citizens are involved.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Big Delta Promo, Crash And Burn?

The link I posted yesterday now returns the message:

"We're sorry, this campaign is currently not active"

What does this mean? There seems to be four possibilities for people like me who have already registered:

1. Delta will re-post the promo, likely with some changes.
2. Delta will honor it, but only if you registered before they withdrew it.
3. They will honor the promotion, but only for transactions that occurred before they withdrew it.
4. They will give the middle finger to all of the people who registered. Several people at FlyerTalk have already discussed taking them to court if they do this. Considering how many bloggers have been following this,(here, here, here, and here) , that would rake in tons of bad publicity for Delta.

I hate to say it, but I think your best chance is if you TOOK MY ADVICE AND REGISTERED WHILE YOU COULD!

Update: I was right, if you registered, you will get the miles.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Huge Delta SkyMiles Giveaway!!!

IMPORTANT!!! You must register for this free promotion here.

Delta just announced an incredible SkyMiles promotion where you can easily rake in a 150% bonus on top of partner activity between now and the end of the year.

Read my report on the subject on my post at After thinking about it for a few minutes, I realized I would be able to get three tickets Israel next year for free.

Big deal? Consider that my wife and I currently have NO SkyMiles whatsoever!

What we do have is some Starwood Preferred Guest points that we got from our Starwood Amercan Express cards. 20,000 Starpoints normally gives you 25,000 SkyMiles, but with this promotion it gives you an additional 150%, or 37,500, for a total of 62,500 SkyMiles. Cash in 80,000 Starpoints (about half of which we have received as sign up bonuses) and we get 250,000 SkyMiles, enough for 3 tickets to Israel, essentially for free!

You can cash in points from hotel programs, or maximize points on rental car programs and other credit card partners such as Dinner's Club. It does not count for Amex Membership Rewards transfers

It does NOT count for travel ON Delta, or any of it's airline partners.

IMPORTANT!!! You must register for this free promotion here.

Win A Free Trip To Denver

It has been a slow blogging week, but here is a great contest prize offered by my friends at the Denver Convention and Visitor's Bureau. Read about it here and sign up here.

See you in Denver!